My name is Kristy Shoebridge and I am a short track speed skater from Cambridge, Ontario. I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and moved to Canada when I was five years old. I have been skating my whole life but never really thought i would reach the point I am at now! I am currently training at the Olympic Oval in Calgary, Alberta. I started my blog because these last few months have been a changing point in my life and I wanted to share it with everyone!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Beginning

Welcome! I have broken down and decided to start writing a blog! So here we go.

I have been training at the Olympic Oval now for 3 years. I moved out from Ontario at the age of 16 and finished my grade 12 year off at the National Sport School. That was probably one of the hardest years of my life. Living away from home at 16 is not easy, you learn to grow up fast, VERY fast. It was an awesome experience and i met some very cool people, all that do different sports! I am still in touch with a bunch of them as we are all going our separate ways following our dreams of our sports.

I started off training in Group 3 at the oval with Al as my coach. Along with going to a different school, living with my brother, not having all my close friends, i didn't have my horse either. Which was probably the hardest part to it. A lot of people don't understand that, but he is my best friend, and being without him wasn't easy. So after my first year away from him my parents decided to move him to me here, in Calgary, making it a little bit easier. I wasn't getting home sick as much. This made me want to be here a little bit more!

After my first year I was moved up to train with group 2, and al came along with me and started coaching group 2! This was a huge step for me, being able to train with all the girls who were one step behind the development team, and just a whole different seriousness then the group I was in before. This is where the attitude towards skating slowly started changing. After my second year being out here I wasn't sure if this was my own dream I was chasing, or if it was someone else's. I told myself I wasn't aloud to give up just yet, i wanted to give it everything i had in summer training and give it one more shot, even if i made it just to Junior Trials and then decided what to do. This is my last year as a Junior so I had to skate till after Junior Trials.

This was the summer that everything changed. I began to love skating like i never have before and i wanted to train, i loved going to training every single day!! And that isn't like me usually if you knew me before. I did a 2 week korean camp this summer with coach Mr. Lee and learnt so much. Training this year has been by far the best it has ever been, i went to training everyday happy and wanting to kill every program! and do the best that i could do. I think i shocked a lot of people by how much my attitude had changed over the year, including myself.

This year was a changing year, and it was a year i will NEVER forget. And thats the main reason why i started this blog, i feel that this year was the beginning to a new point in my skating career, where new journeys are all going to start beginning.

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